How your booty and bottom line are connected!

Have you ever noticed how after you workout or do Yoga you feel so powerful, unstoppable, and ready to take on the world?

That is exactly what I shared about on my latest podcast interview on the Motivation Monday Podcast episode right here!

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Join me at the Free "Stop Chasing Shiny Objects" Summit!

There are endless amounts of new tips, tricks, and tactics out there - along with a whole bunch of people who want to sell you their “new exclusive program that will totally change your life this time” (yeah, I’ve heard that before!)

That’s why I’m so excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at the ‘Stop Chasing Shiny Objects’ Summit, where we’ll be talking about - you guessed it - how to stop chasing the shiny new novelties and instead focus on the core principles for your business.

If you feel yourself being pulled in all different directions by all the things the “gurus” say you should be doing, you’ll definitely want to check this event out.

Get your FREE ticket to the event here!

I’ll be talking about Grounded in Gratitude: How being grateful changes you and your life! on Wednesday 11 May at 12:00 PM Pacific / 3:00 PM Eastern, and would love for you to come and support me, as well as check out...

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FREE Out of Pain and Into Power Workshop April 27th and 28th!

Does working at your desk all day leave you so PHYSICALLY DRAINED and IN PAIN that you feel like you’re twice your age?

Then join us for the free: Out of Pain and Into Power workshop happening on April 27 and 28th!

Sign up here!

No butts about it, you totally need this information if you want to:

NOT feel like you're living in a body 2X your actual age that has to make "old people" noises as you grunt and groan to stand up or sit down

Wake up your sleeping booty (which YES, is totally a thing that happens you sit on it all day!) so you sit, stand, and walk tall with confidence

Learn 1 powerful Yoga move you can do anywhere (even in line at the bank) to have more energy and less pain (with no mat required)!

Click the link here to save your spot for this FREE workshop!

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Sick of being drained and in pain?

Telling yourself you’ll work out or do yoga later is stopping you from feeling great in your body.

I get it, you’re busy and have lots going on. But the truth is: does LATER ever come?

How many times have you told yourself you’ll start on Monday only to realize its a new month (or even year) and you have yet to get started with your routine?

It happens.

But think about it, do you think people who are healthy and strong tell themselves they’ll do it later?

No way, they make it a priority. They do it first thing in the day because it sets the tone for the day, leaves them feeling refreshed, and helps them get more done all day long!

So are you going to wait til you're burnt out and bust up to start making how you feel a priority? Or do you want to learn how to create a morning routine that leaves you feel energized and centered?

If so grab my free mini morning routine to get started today

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Does working on the computer all day leave you in pain? Here's 3 things you can do to fix that!

If you feel drained and in pain at the end of your work day then you're going to love these 3 fast and easy fixes!

Watch the video where I go deep into each one.

Want to cut right to the chase? Then here they are:

1) Drink more water. This is great for preventing back pain and will get you out of your chair more

2) Take short breaks with your eyes closed. A huge part of the reason you're tired is because you're eyes are. When they are it causes you to slouch more which leads to more pain.

3) Have an empowering morning routine. This gets you and your metabolism fired up and strengthens your whole core so have less pain and more energy.

Want help creating a mini morning routine? Then click here to book a 30 minute Revitalize Your Routine session valued at $297!

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Free Out of Pain and Into Power Workshop

Does working at your desk all day leave you so PHYSICALLY DRAINED and IN PAIN that you feel like you’re twice your age?
No butts about it, you totally need this information and not just for ass-thetic reasons 😂 if you want to:
😫NOT feel like you're living in a body 2X your actual age that has to make "old people" noises as you grunt and groan to stand up or sit down
🍑Wake up your sleeping booty (which YES, is totally a thing that happens you sit on it all day!) so you sit, stand, and walk tall with confidence
😎Learn 1 powerful Yoga move you can do anywhere (even in line at the bank) to have more energy and less pain (with no mat required)!

Here’s what else you’ll learn at this free workshop:

  • Simple moves you can do to avoid rounding over into keyboard hunchback posture
  • What you really need to...
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No keyboard hunchback for you!

Stop your scroll and try these simple moves for less tension and pain in your upper back and neck! 

If working on your computer all day leaves you feeling:

>Like you're in a body twice your age and that kinda freaks you out

>So exhausted that you could curl up under your desk and nap at any given moment…

>Your mind is SO all over the place that it feels the ball at the final match of the world ping pong championships…


It happens!! Life is busy and with so many demands on your time and energy it can be VERY easy to forget to make time to take care of your body so it stays strong, healthy, and PAIN FREE!!


Which is why I would love to invite you to my free OUT OF PAIN AND INTO POWER workshop happening Wednesday March 23 at 12pm PST/ 3pm EST.

In this live session you’ll learn how to prevent the dreaded keyboard hunchback so you can overcome pain and: 

NOT feel like you're living in a body 2X your actual age that has to make "old...

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Got a pain in the upper back? Try this quick and easy move!

Try this #miniyogabreak with me to take the OUCH 😣 out of your slouch for more energy and less upper back tension!
Do you feel like you're constantly on the hamster wheel of life?
Going, going, going but also feeling physically drained and constantly dealing with neck and back pain😫….
It sucks. It’s exhausting.
It get it. Life is busy. You’ve got lots to do. But let’s also get real about this PAIN SUCKS and it’s draining your energy and motivation.
It also slows you down and steals your focus which means you get less done so there’s that….
The great news is: there’s a powerful toolset right at your finger tips that will change that for you. And leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day so you get 💩 sh*t done and still have time for fun. YOGA!!
So lemme ask ya: Are you ACTUALLY ready to use the tools of Yoga to overcome your pain?
Check out my free 2...
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FREE visionary goal setting workshop!

Are you so tired of living the same year over and over again?

If you are SO ready to make 2022 different then hold onto your hat because I’ve got something awesome for ya!

For way more years than I want to admit I started each new year in a struggle loop…. 

I was listening to the shi*tty committee in my head that ONLY wanted to talk about my mistakes and shortcomings of the last 12 months. 

And sure I might pause for a quick happy dance to celebrate some wins, but I was quickly back to the story that this year: I’ve gotta do BETTER, accomplish MORE, hustle HARDER, and REALLY go for it this time….

Sound familiar?

That is until I started implementing the tools that I’ll be sharing with you in the FREE Breakthrough into 2022 experience

If you are so ready to witness all the amazingness you created in 2021, celebrate yourself, and then clear your energy to tune into your big vision for 2022 then grab your free spot! 

Inside this free...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!