You deserve to get to the top of YOUR mountain!

As Rumi said: the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
But often that first step forward feels the most uncertain or awkward...am I right? Especially if you have no freaking clue where you're going or how to get there!
This is why, in the Out of Pain and Into Power workshop I hosted the other day I asked everyone what "their mountain" was.
Sure, it may be an actual mountain that they want to climb but for many people it was something else: like traveling the world, playing with their kids.
Truly, what I was getting at was is the DEEP WHY getting out of pain is ESSENTIAL.
Yes, it just DOWNRIGHT sucks to hurt.
Which is of course a huge part of the reason why I want you to get out of pain!
But truthfully, the weak, slouched posture that can cause the pain is also stealing your time, your joy, your energy, and your focus. 
When it does this, your mountain starts to feel really far away and...

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Make your virtual event an experience!

Have you noticed how after lunch your event guests or team members all look like they could use a nap? Instead of seeing them doze off, get them up and moving with a fun and energizing break with me!

As a speaker my talks are informative, empowering, and experiential since I incorporate easy moves and tools that can be done anywhere with minimal space.

Coupled with the fact that I have highly entertaining stories with an approachable and engaging presentation style I'll have your guests laughing and learning simultaneously!

Email me here to talk about your next event

Learn more about my talk topics and available options here:


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No keyboard hunchback for you!

Stop your scroll and try these simple moves for less tension and pain in your upper back and neck! 

If working on your computer all day leaves you feeling:

>Like you're in a body twice your age and that kinda freaks you out

>So exhausted that you could curl up under your desk and nap at any given moment…

>Your mind is SO all over the place that it feels the ball at the final match of the world ping pong championships…


It happens!! Life is busy and with so many demands on your time and energy it can be VERY easy to forget to make time to take care of your body so it stays strong, healthy, and PAIN FREE!!


Which is why I would love to invite you to my free OUT OF PAIN AND INTO POWER workshop happening Wednesday March 23 at 12pm PST/ 3pm EST.

In this live session you’ll learn how to prevent the dreaded keyboard hunchback so you can overcome pain and: 

NOT feel like you're living in a body 2X your actual age that has to make "old...

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Posture pick me up!

Got a case of the Mondays? Then it’s high time for a posture pick me up!!!
Check out this mini session above to get a boost of energy, wake up sleepy muscles, and walk taller with confidence!
Did you love this and want a session designed just for you?
I’m doing a special on my POSTURE POWER UP session where you get:
🌟a posture analysis so you can see when you need to stretch and strengthen to bring your body into balance
🌟A customized session designed just for you that is recorded and yours to keep and use so you see and feel the shifts
🌟1 months access to my signature program YOGA AT MY DESK so you have loads of other tools and sessions you can use anytime!
Since it’s posture month I’m offering it a special rate of $99 so you save $100! Grab it while you can because I’m only offering 10 spots.
Are you ready to live, move, and feel your best? Then HERE to take advantage of this awesome deal!
Cheering you on every step of the...
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Got 5 minutes?

What can you do in 5 minutes: Wash a load of dishes? Scroll Facebook?

Actually you can do A LOT in 5 minutes...even have a full body workout or Yoga practice!

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? Well thankfully it's not! And guess what? I've created a brand new series that I can't wait to tell you all about called THRIVE IN FIVE

Each of the five sessions in this series are just five minutes and are jam packed with exercises, core strengtheners, stretches to make the most of every second. Awesome right?

Give me 5 minutes and I'll give you a:

  • full body workout that energizes and strengthens your whole body
  • booty bustin' workout out sure to wake your sleeping booty out of it's slumber
  • a relaxing Yoga session to help you unwind from the day and soothe your tight spots

I know your life is BUSY BUSY BUSY and you've got a million and one things to do and somehow taking care of you always seems to slip to the bottom of the TO DO list right?

So, I wanna help!! This brand...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!