You deserve to get to the top of YOUR mountain!

As Rumi said: the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
But often that first step forward feels the most uncertain or I right? Especially if you have no freaking clue where you're going or how to get there!
This is why, in the Out of Pain and Into Power workshop I hosted the other day I asked everyone what "their mountain" was.
Sure, it may be an actual mountain that they want to climb but for many people it was something else: like traveling the world, playing with their kids.
Truly, what I was getting at was is the DEEP WHY getting out of pain is ESSENTIAL.
Yes, it just DOWNRIGHT sucks to hurt.
Which is of course a huge part of the reason why I want you to get out of pain!
But truthfully, the weak, slouched posture that can cause the pain is also stealing your time, your joy, your energy, and your focus. 
When it does this, your mountain starts to feel really far away and pretty darn high. 
And it might stay that why without a guide to show you what route to take to get the best view and to help you avoid the pitfalls and rocky spots. 
Which is why I'd love to offer you the gift of a complimentary "Power Path" Session:
To give you a personalized plan mapped out for you to make sure you have everything you need to make it to the top of YOUR mountain. 
Plus as part of that session, I'll guide you through a mini Power Pause session so you know exactly how to activate your inner strength ANYTIME and ANYWHERE you need it.

Book yours now.


Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!