The dark cloud of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are a special breed, that is for sure! It turns out that amongst the entrepreneurial community there is a very high prevalence of mental health challenges....so why aren't more people talking about that?  

That is the focus of today's episode, so let's jump into this week's vlog here! 

Make sure to grab the special gift of the Energy Fix Blueprint to use any time you need to ground and center yourself right here. 

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Got aches, pains, or weight gains from sitting all day? Watch this!

SIT SIT SIT! Does it feel like all you do is sit? 

Is your body complaining about it? Leaving you with all sorts of weird back, neck, and shoulder pain? Maybe you've got brain fog and feel super unproductive, low energy and distracted all the time? 

Then you may actually be living the modern reality tale of sleeping booty and the 7 sneaky symptoms of sitting too much!   

Watch this video to find out the culprit behind this REAL LIFE tale! 



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The most powerful tool to stop stress in it's tracks!

Feel like you're constantly on a speeding train of CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP which is leaving you stressed out and exhausted?  

Despite feeling like you're busy all day it doesn't feel like you're actually getting anything done?  Then you're going to love today's video!   

In this video you'll learn: 

  • The power of the PAUSE 
  • How slowing down actually helps you speed up  
  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to take a Power Pause  

Click here to watch it

Make sure to grab the free Energy Fix Blueprint to use during your next Power Pause!

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PODCAST: From Anxious and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized!

Recently, on the You Can Overcome ANYTHING Podcast I shared my story of going from Anxious, Depressed and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized with host Cesar Espino.

You can listen to the episode here! Cesar and I talked candidly about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, plus I shared lots of tools and techniques that I use to navigate them.


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PODCAST FEATURE: Get sh*t done & have more fun!

WOW! It was definitely a great honor to speak at the Vancouver branch of the Entrepreneurs International Network recently! 

In this live presentation I talked about how important it is that business owners take care of ourselves so we can: “Get sh*t done & have more fun "!

Check out this talk if you want high energy all day long, you’re SO ready to get rid of brain fog and afternoon energy slumps or if you want to de-slouch yourself to carry yourself with more confidence and strength.

You’ll also learn how making your health and happiness a priority is essential for business success and will help you get more done with less stress.

*Side note: the title was NOT my idea, but it's kinda funny isn't it?


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PODCAST FEATURE: Finding a successful routine amidst the chaos of life!

What a great time chatting with Maria Daniels on her podcast: Successfully Chaotic about all misconceptions about Yoga, health, and getting into a routine! 

Take a listen HERE!

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PODCAST FEATURE: My rules for success

I was recently interview on the Rules for Success podcast by Joseph Varghese about what I think essential habits or routines are essential for success.

We talked all things Yoga, morning routines, accountability buddies and lots more! Give it a listen HERE

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PODCAST FEATURE: How to stay energized & empowered as an entrepreneur!

Join me for a fun chat with the lovely ladies of the Crossroads Cafe Podcast: Emma Gaba and Felicity Lerouge! 

In this episode we chat about why is so important that as business owners we take care of ourselves and how to do that by creating a morning routine. 

Take a listen to the episode HERE.

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PODCAST FEATURE: How to keep our hearts happy

I was so honored to be a guest on the Words of the Heart podcast opening up about my challenges with depression and anxiety and how it navigated through.

Listen to this episode HERE

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!