Posture pick me up!

Got a case of the Mondays? Then it’s high time for a posture pick me up!!!
Check out this mini session above to get a boost of energy, wake up sleepy muscles, and walk taller with confidence!
Did you love this and want a session designed just for you?
I’m doing a special on my POSTURE POWER UP session where you get:
🌟a posture analysis so you can see when you need to stretch and strengthen to bring your body into balance
🌟A customized session designed just for you that is recorded and yours to keep and use so you see and feel the shifts
🌟1 months access to my signature program YOGA AT MY DESK so you have loads of other tools and sessions you can use anytime!
Since it’s posture month I’m offering it a special rate of $99 so you save $100! Grab it while you can because I’m only offering 10 spots.
Are you ready to live, move, and feel your best? Then HERE to take advantage of this awesome deal!
Cheering you on every step of the...
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PODCAST FEATURE: Desktop Yoga: Why taking breaks throughout your workday is essential!

How many hours a day are you on your computer or phone?

We spend an astonishing amount of time hunched over our devices so its ESSENTIAL that you learn how to take breaks and why doing so actually boosts your productivity and helps you get more done.

I am so honored to have been interview by Dr Gordon of the Menopause Yoga as we chat about Desktop Yoga and why mini Yoga Breaks throughout the day can be a game changer for your neck and shoulder pain, headaches and lots more.

Come check it out as we chat about Yoga at My Desk and more! Click HERE to have a listen.

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4 reasons to de-slouch yourself and sit up tall right now

Ever wonder why you feel so tired after sitting all day? One HUGE factor is the way that you breathe when you're sitting (and very often slouching)

Can you breathe normally when you are slouched over? Try it and see.... Not so much right?! 

CRAZY FACT: Your ability to breathe deeply (aka: your vital lung capacity) drops by 30% when you are slouched over in a weak posture.

Here's the thing: whether you realize it or not you likely spend a significant portion of your day in that position. Your body has adapted to breathing in that position out of necessity, but that doesn't mean its very efficient at it. 

Because your abdomen is compressed your diaphragm can't do it's main task of breathing so other back up muscles in your neck and shoulder have to kick in and pick up the slack.

When it isn't moving freely up and down with every breath your diaphragm isn't able to do one of its key other tasks: massaging your heart and abdominal organs. Bet you didn't know it...

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3 tips to make self care a lasting habit

So how did the first month of 2020 go for you? 

I'll admit it was kind of a weird month for me, but I'm settling into my groove again now which feels great. 

If you are like me (and most people LOL) you start the year off with big gusto towards your intentions and then things kinda slow down when routine kicks back in. Sound familiar?

And like for so many people having a consistent exercise, yoga, or meditation practice is often part of the plan each year. Was that the case for you? 

If so, here are 3 tips to help you get into the habit of practicing self care more often:

1) Decide how many times a week you want to do the practice and write it in your day planner at the beginning of the week. Note each time you do it throughout the week so you can see if you met your goal by week end.

2) Schedule the sessions into your planner/calendar as a NON-NEGOTIABLE appointment with yourself! You deserve your attention right? YES!!!

3) Set an alarm in your phone to...

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Back to School, Back to You Challenge Starting Monday September 9th

It's back to school time so that means it's the perfect time to get back into your routine too!
Life can be busy and work gets hectic so that means its super important that you take care of yourself!
This 5 day mini challenge is the perfect way to kick that off and give you tools to:
-ease chronic tension in your neck and shoulders
-strengthen your muscles so you stand and walk taller
-have consistent energy all day long
-lower your stress levels
-boost your focus and creativity to get more done!
All in just a few minutes everyday because Yoga is amazing like that ;)
Ready to sign up? Right on! You can by joining the Yoga at My Desk Tribe here
Because it works on many systems and parts of your body simultaneously Yoga is the ultimate vehicle to help you optimize your health on all levels!
The hard truth is that sitting can take a big toll on your body so it is vital that you take breaks...
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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!