Stay connected with your team with online Yoga Sessions!

With the onset of the global pandemic of COVID-19, to say our lives have changed drastically is an understatement. Most of the world is being asked to stay at home, maintain distance from others when out in public, and maintain high standards of hygiene to slow the spread of the virus.

Likely millions of others, you may now be working from home which is a big shift to your daily routine and schedule. And for now this is a key part that you can play to help flatten the curve and reduce the number of people worldwide that are impacted. 

During this unprecedented time, it is vital that you do everything you can to stay healthy by keeping your immune system up and your stress levels down! While you know I am always a huge advocate for self care, I am suggesting that you kick those efforts into overdrive immediately and over these coming weeks.

Here's some ideas to help you with that: 

  • Journal: express your emotions and get clear on how you are feeling
  • Practice Gratitude:...
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4 Ways that Yoga Helps You Avoid Getting Sick!

At certain times of the year it seems like everyone around us is sniffling and sneezing right? With colds and flus going around like crazy it is so important that we do everything we can to stay healthy and keep our immune systems strong!

Remember the saying: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"? Well it's true! The more that we can do on a regular basis to keep our vitality high the better, which means we will get sick less often and recover more quickly when we do.

Since it effects our body on many levels simultaneously, Yoga is an extremely powerful tool for boosting our immunity and keeping us feeling great. The key of course is to practice it on a regular basis to get maximum benefits and keep everything running optimally.

Curious how taking Yoga Breaks can help you avoid the sniffles, aches and fevers of cold and flu season?

Check out 4 ways Yoga helps you helps you avoid getting sick:

  • Yoga helps to bring stress levels down to reduce inflammation and reduce...
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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!