Why Is It So Hard to Celebrate Yourself?

The Challenge of Celebrating Yourself: Navigating the Path to Self-Acknowledgment

In a world that often celebrates achievements and milestones, it seems paradoxical that many struggle with the simple act of celebrating themselves. Yet, the truth is, self-celebration can be one of the most challenging endeavors we undertake. Why is it so difficult to pat ourselves on the back and revel in our own successes?

Firstly, societal norms play a significant role. We're often taught humility from a young age, which can sometimes translate into downplaying our accomplishments. We fear being seen as boastful or arrogant if we openly acknowledge our triumphs. This cultural conditioning can lead to a reluctance to shine a spotlight on ourselves, even when we've worked hard and achieved something meaningful.

Moreover, self-doubt and imposter syndrome frequently rear their heads. Despite external validation or tangible evidence of success, we may still harbor inner doubts about our abilities and...

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Do you live from possibility or circumstance?

Have you heard the quote from Stephan Covey to "begin with the end in mind"? He was reminding us to show up from a place of possibility, trust, and inspiration so that we can take actions and make decisions that align with that end goal.
So how can you do that? How can you be that future version of yourself TODAY? How can you:
Be Her/Him Now….. Who is she/he?
The one that:
✨Kept her/his eye on the prize and has brought all of her/his dreams to life
✨Shows up everyday from a place of certainty, trust, and conviction
✨Takes inspired action from a place of deep knowing and inner guidance
✨Creates from a place of possibility not the past…..
Do you make it a point to connect to her/him everyday?
To embody her/him NOW so you can tap into inspiration and take steps forward guided by her/his quiet whispers of wise direction?
It doesn’t take much, but it does take you making the time to do it.
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3 reasons you need a morning routine

How do you start your day? If you're like many people the first thing that they do is grab their phone and check for updates, emails, texts and start scrolling.....sound familiar? 

I know it's tempting to start your day that way but here's the thing: having a morning routine that doesn't involve Facebook, Gmail, or Instagram can actually change your life, one day at a time! 

Morning is my favorite time of day and my daily routine is part of why I love it so much! I typically don't check my phone until its totally completed because every time I do it throws me off my game and I get distracted. 

To give you a glimpse here's what mine looks like: puppy snuggles for as long as he will allow LOL, gratitude and visualization practice while I drink my warm lemon water, workout and yoga while I drink my coffee, finished by meditation and then a smoothie.

I can do all of this in an hour if I have to, but with most of my work now being from home I have a lot more freedom in my...

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Do you have a TO BE list?


You’ve got a TO DO list, but do you have a TO BE list?

Have you ever thought about who the version of you is that has already achieved all of your dreams and goals and who you would have to BE to get there?

Its an interesting question that I dive into in this video! 

Check it out and earn why you need to need to have a TO BE list, and once you do you can put it use everyday to show up as the best possible version of yourself.

Want to get into the habit of intentionally connecting to and embodying that version YOU?

Join us in the free ALIGNED, ENERGIZED, and EMPOWERED: 3 day live Yoga workshop starting Tuesday September 15th.

Hop on the waitlist and be the first to know when registration opens: http://bit.ly/AEEWaitlist

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!