The most powerful tool to stop stress in it's tracks!

Feel like you're constantly on a speeding train of CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP which is leaving you stressed out and exhausted?  

Despite feeling like you're busy all day it doesn't feel like you're actually getting anything done?  Then you're going to love today's video!   

In this video you'll learn: 

  • The power of the PAUSE 
  • How slowing down actually helps you speed up  
  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to take a Power Pause  

Click here to watch it

Make sure to grab the free Energy Fix Blueprint to use during your next Power Pause!

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BUH BYE brain fog!!


Question for you,

Do you find yourself dragging all day long, struggling to find the words to finish an email, or the motivation to do the thing you know you REALLY need to move your day forward?

Not only is this probably really frustrating for you but its actually slowing down your progress and growth of your business!

Curious why you head feels so foggy so much of the time {{first_name}}? 

Then check out my Thursday training above for 3 possible causes of it or scroll down if you prefer to cut right to the chase! 

While there may be a host of reasons you feel like you are just crawling through your day with a head full of fuzz here's the top 3:

1) Stress. Yep this bad boy has a role to play in many of life's challenges, including slow down your brain to a putt putt sputter

2) Not enough sleep. Might seem obvious but when you don't sleep well your brain doesn't get to fully renew and prep for the new day. Hence the reason everything...

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3 Ways That Being Stressed Out Slows You Down at Work and in Life (and what to do about it)

Does this sound familiar....?
Alerts pinging you from your email and phone, the world's longest to do list, clients sending in bizarre requests, sessions to be at and others to plan for, with no end in sight. You might even be clocking mad overtime hours and taking your work home with you, giving you no downtime to recover.
Stress at this level can be absolutely crippling to your performance, health, and ultimately your happiness, plus it's one of the biggest threats to work place productivity.
While some stress is helpful because it lights a fire under your booty to motivate you to take action, chronically high levels of stress can lead to burnout, chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Plus, stress is a risk factor for every major chronic disease!
A quarter of all Americans feel that their job is the most stressful part of their life! 
This means that it is absolutely important that we become aware of...
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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!