3 reasons you need a morning routine

How do you start your day? If you're like many people the first thing that they do is grab their phone and check for updates, emails, texts and start scrolling.....sound familiar? 

I know it's tempting to start your day that way but here's the thing: having a morning routine that doesn't involve Facebook, Gmail, or Instagram can actually change your life, one day at a time! 

Morning is my favorite time of day and my daily routine is part of why I love it so much! I typically don't check my phone until its totally completed because every time I do it throws me off my game and I get distracted. 

To give you a glimpse here's what mine looks like: puppy snuggles for as long as he will allow LOL, gratitude and visualization practice while I drink my warm lemon water, workout and yoga while I drink my coffee, finished by meditation and then a smoothie.

I can do all of this in an hour if I have to, but with most of my work now being from home I have a lot more freedom in my...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!