Growing through gratitude

Life can throw a lot at us, especially at work. And when we are in the thick of things with long TO DO lists, clients, and distractions it can be challenging to be grateful for all of it....am I right?

However, if we manage to keep our cool and approach each moment with an open mind and a willingness to learn we can. This approach, which is called the growth mindset, is a powerful lens to look through (and thankfully one we can develop and hone).

The essence of the growth mindset is to always be looking for the lesson in the situation so that we can learn and grow and become the fullest version of our self.

So by taking a step back and looking at the situation from a wider lens we can learn to ask better open ended questions such as: What can I learn from this? What is the universe trying to tell me? What tools do I have to handle this situation?

These are far different from the opposite fixed mindset that asks closed ended questions such as: Why is this happening to me?...

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