Try This Take Your Affirmations To The Next Level!

Uncategorized May 31, 2024
What's a Power Statement anyway and what's your brain got to do with it?
I AM…..considered 2 of the most powerful words in the English language, for it is said that what follows them becomes your destiny.
Powerful isn’t it? And here’s the interesting thing: there’s actually SCIENCE behind this...which I will get into a second.
First, I want to take a second to describe how we use these words in setting our intention for each practice. The Yogic word for this sankalpa is a Sanskrit word that means a vow to the highest truth.
By setting a sankalpa for each practice that aligns with an essential quality, you are connecting to these powerful truths within yourself. 
Which is exactly why I call them your Power Statements! These can be whatever you want based on your goals, vision, and how you want to feel each day.
They just need to be uplifting, inspiring, and empowering to you!! 
Because the truth is: you already have these qualities within you, you simply need to activate them.
It is said that this is what a Power Statement does: helps you align to your highest purpose by helping you to tap into the guiding wisdom within.
And with time and repetition we begin to truly connect to and embody it and live it fully.
Here’s where it gets interesting: there's science to prove it!
Repeat any statement OVER AND OVER combined with emotion eventually turns it into a belief...which is why when I ask you to repeat the Power Statement (or PS for short) for the day I want you to really feel it!
Once something is a belief it’s wired into your subconscious mind so that your brain doesn’t have to waste precious energy on constantly repeating it.
At this point, your subconscious mind takes these words as a command (for example: I AM RESILIENT) and goes about finding evidence to prove you right by way of a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System.
This system, often called RAS for short, allows you to filter information and notice things that prove you right. Want to learn more? Watch this cute video here.
So your RAS seeks out info that aligns with this new belief, it gets reinforced in your brain and your life. COOL RIGHT??
All of this combines to mean:
  1. The Yogis were REALLY tapped in!
  2. By choosing the things you repeat to yourself you can directly impact your brain and your choose wisely. PLUS: Doesn’t it feel better to say empowering things to yourself? It definitely does for me!
This is why once you know the PS for the day I want you to repeat it! Set alarms for yourself, make post it notes, do whatever you can to remind yourself to repeat the intention many times throughout the day WITH FEELING! The emotional component is really the magic sauce FYI.

Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!