Peek into what 2020 has in store for you with a free guided visualization!

🔮Can you see with crystal clarity what lies ahead for you in 2020?🔮
Join me for a free guided visualization on December 27th at 10am HST/ 12pm PST/ 3pm EST on the Vitality Wellness Facebook Page to help you explore the amazing things that the new year has in store for you to:
🌟Experience the future version of you that has achieved all the goals you desire
🤘🏽Learn how you need to show up everyday to take inspired action and step closer to that reality everyday
👣Figure out how to recognize and clear blocks that might trip you up along the way
🧠Find out who that version of you is BEing and how you can embody those qualities today through your thoughts, actions, and intentions
⏰Before the clock strikes 12 and the new year and decade begins don’t you owe it to yourself to dream big and explore what 2020 has in store for you?
Commit to making 2020 your best year yet by intentionally dedicating time for yourself everyday to:
  • set clear goals and intentions for the year, the challenge, and your life
  • start or deepen your Yoga with a daily practice
  • tone and strengthen your muscles
  • boost flexibility and balance
  • commit to yourself and your health inside and out
  • have support, accountability and encouragement within our online community
With the 20/20 yoga challenge: 20 minutes a day for 20 days......are you in?? Hop on the  20/20 Yoga Challenge waitlist to stay in the loop and get exclusive early bird rates available only to people on the waitlist! 

Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!