FREE 5 day “Desk Yoga” Challenge starts April 22nd!
Did you know that taking short Yoga Breaks throughout your workday is a great way to:
- ease the chronic tension in your neck and shoulders
- strengthen your core muscles for better posture
- balance the effects of chronic sitting
Within just a few deep breaths Yoga Breaks help to boost your productivity by:
- lowering your stress levels
- keeping your brain alert and sharp
- boosting your creativity and focus
I’m so excited to help you get into the habit of taking Yoga Breaks throughout the day with this FREE 5 Day “Desk Yoga” Challenge!!!
Sign up by HERE:
Each day at 7am HST/10amPST/1pmEST in my Yoga at My Desk Tribe I will be going live to show you 1 stretch and 1 strengthening move for a different area of your body, plus a breathing exercise to help you focus and quiet your mind!
Then once you have done the done the sequence for the day post a photo of yourself online or in the group and tag @vitalitywellnessmaui and use the #deskyogachallenge.
There will be daily challenges to help you integrate the powerful tools of Yoga into your day and life!
Every little bit counts, so after a week you will be well on your way to create a new healthy habit for yourself! 
Sign up by HERE:
Prizes, encouragement and FUN!!
Got friends, family or co-workers with a desk job? Invite them to join the challenge with you!!!